We are XEOS

Our goal is to eliminate the risk of resurgery through smarter specimen imaging. Therefore, we are focused on improving outcomes in surgical oncology through innovations in intraoperative imaging.

Founded in Ghent in 2019, we have grown to become a team of bright and passionate minds, revolutionizing the performance of specimen imaging and supporting surgical confidence.

We host a wealth of competence in the medical device industry, medical image reconstruction and processing, and fundamental scientific research. We hold a strong track record of inhouse PET & CT design. We are adepts of molecular imaging.

We are XEOS
The power of molecular imaging

The power of molecular imaging

XEOS wants to tackle the limitations of today’s available imaging techniques applied in surgical oncology, by using the transformative power of molecular Imaging intra-operatively.

XEOS AURA specimen imager brings a new imaging system that uses high-resolution Positron Emission tomography (PET) with X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) imaging. This method relies on the high sensitivity of PET radiotracer uptake for detecting metabolically active tissue and on the delineation of the anatomical margins of the specimen using CT.

This approach is transforming specimen imaging, allowing surgical oncologists to operate with more clarity and confidence.

Discover AURA 10

Xeos values


We have the ambition to surpass ordinary standards. Therefore, we deliver solutions and services with an outstanding fit for intended purpose, inherently safe and performant. With evident appreciation for aesthetics and taste.


We are committed to being wholeheartedly devoted to the company, out of own volition and motivation. Willingly committing time and energy, we create an intellectual and emotional bond to our mission and vision.


We aim to move and adapt efficiently and effectively. While integrating skills such as coordination speed, alertness, flexibility, vigilance and endurance, we enable optimal responsiveness to continuously changing situations.


We do things in an open way without secrecy, both internally and externally, between employees and towards suppliers and customers. We communicate with a clear voice to ensure our message is understood and honest feedback is received.

Meet the team

Vincent Keereman
Chief Executive Officer, co-founder
Jakob Roelandt
Chief Technical Officer
Phebe De Coene
Data & Quality Manager
Hagen Derde
Head of Sales EU
Stéphanie Droesbeke
HR Manager / IPA
Luna Maris
Research Engineer
Leen Van de Sande
Clinical Research Manager / Radiation Protection Officer
Gert Van Hoey
Expert Software Engineer
Guillem Vela
Product & Applications Manager
Jonathan Vervaeke
Senior Software Engineer
Anneleen Kiekens
Clinical Scientist
Lieze De Witte
Administrative Assistant
Tom Van Quaethem
Hardware Engineer
Eva Roos
Head of Finance & Operations
Petar Petrov
Software Engineer
Alexander Allemeersch
Market Access Specialist
Louise Arno
Clinical Engagement Specialist
Carole Verdru
Business Development Manager EU
Christel Lambrechts
Application Specialist
Dennis Goossens
Manufacturing Engineer
Philine Blomme
Head of Clinical Marketing
Bert Vynckier
Service Engineer
Kato Van De Wielle
Application specialist
Laurens Brock
Software Engineer
Agnieszka Swiatek
QARA Manager
Cristian Pinelo
Service Engineer
Bodo Wiegand
Interim Head of US Strategy
Roel Van Holen
Co-Founder & Board Member
Guido Van der Schueren
Chairman of the Board
Patrick Keereman
Board Member
Walter Mastelinck
Board Member
Jan Baptiste Santens
Board Member
Laurence Levrau
Board Member
Lloyd Diamond
Board Member

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